Friday, November 21, 2014

President Obama's Immigration Power Grab

Topic:  President Obama’s Immigration Power Grab

November 20, 2014

Today we get to see two radically different views of how government should operate in action.  On the one hand we have Congress which has been elected to represent us in making decisions and carrying forth our republic.  On the other hand we have President Obama and his supporters that are absolutely sure they know what is best for you, me, and our nation.  They are willing to take action unilaterally to force their ideas on us by circumventing the senators and representatives that we elected to make those decisions.  Their methods include changing the rules in the senate if necessary to get their way. 

This is the stark difference in views of government.  Is government instituted by God as stated in the Declaration of Independence with our rights coming from him with citizens being held responsible for their actions towards each other and towards their governments or is government instituted by men who give whatever rights they want to the citizens?  Are decisions to be made by the masses through their elected representatives or by a few who “know what is best for the masses” since the masses are obviously stupid and don’t understand what needs to be done to keep them “safe” and protected from every consequence that can be envisioned in this world?  The real questions becomes: “Are the citizens of the United States paying enough attention to know what is going on as power is concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people with more and more laws and regulations passed that will eventually make all of us criminals?”

Those who would concentrate power in the hands of a few – whether the few are educated or not – would have a nation where the few rule such as England before wars were waged to reduce the power of the king or that of dictators in other nations.  In these nations the few control the law and its application while the average citizen is powerless to make any change to the government. 

The founders of our nation – mostly common folks or locally prominent members of society met and decided that we needed a nation that recognized God as the granter of our rights rather than the government.  This government was to make decisions based on the will of the majority of citizens who elected representatives to congress.  This process was expected to be slow and cumbersome because important actions would need to be debated and a consensus developed through discussion and compromise.  The rules were set such that the minority could not be run over in the majority’s rush to impose their views on the minority.  Mr. Reid, Mrs. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and ilk have lied to the American people (you can keep your coverage, doctor, “We have relied heavily on his ideas” but “I don’t know who he [Jonathan Gruber] is” and “we borrowed extensively from Dr. Gruber in crafting Obamacare”, etc.), modified the rules to avoid the very safe guards our forefathers developed to protect the citizens of this nation.  The rules were designed to safeguard us so the majority couldn’t impose their will on the minority or take unilateral actions to impose their will on the rest of the nation without debate (i.e. executive orders).

The founding fathers of our nation envisioned a nation where important decisions were discussed, debated and decided over a time period that was long enough for the nation to come to some type of agreement on the question/problem prior to action being taken.  The most decisive issues of today were decided either by one party ramming legislation through (Obamacare) or by Supreme Court action (abortion).  If these decisions had been made through bi-partisan action over a period time long enough for the nation to come to grips with the decisions we could have moved on with less animosity and anger.  It is when one party (whether Republicans, Democrats, the President, or the courts) tries to impose its will on those that disagree through manipulation or force that the American people become divided and begin to shout at one another.  Obviously there are those in every decision that are disappointed and may not agree with the outcome but they are fewer in number and less bitter than if the “majority” imposes their will on the “minority” without sufficient debate and discussion.

Our founding fathers knew what happens when the few reign over the many and set up a government to limit the potential for that to happen.  In the last 6 years we have seen our government make significant movement towards a government where the few have, through manipulation of rules or unilateral actions, imposed what they have “decided” is best on the citizens of America regardless of the desires of the majority of Americans. 

Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, and Mrs. Pelosi have attempted to impose the will of the few on the citizens of this nation and it has not been received much better that King George’s tax on tea.  It is time for Mr. Obama and his sidekicks (Pelosi and Reid) to review the founding of America and understand again (or for the first time) why this nation was founded and that their attempts at unilateral action are in direct opposition to the very fundamental beliefs of those that founded this nation.  I strongly believe that this nation is better when Congress and the President remember they are representing all of the people of this nation (the minority and the majority) and take actions based on what the people want rather than what the far left (or right) members of their parties demand.  This nation was founded by compromise and debate and it has served us well for 200+ years.  The actions of the few (whether that’s Democrats, Republicans, the Supreme Court or the President) to seize power should not be tolerated nor supported by any of the citizens of this nation.  The process of government set up by our founding fathers should not be bypassed for political expedience by any citizen, member of Congress, judge, political party or president.